TRAILS seeks to build on current data in skills mismatches and create novel tools and databases, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence. It will empower Vocational and Adult Education training to match employers with educational opportunities to reallocate workers efficiently.
TRAILs motivation is driven by the:
The aim of TRAILS is to create a complete ecosystem that serves as a basis for research-led, policy-relevant and social impact-oriented actions. The aim is to establish the necessary conditions for the successful development of competences adapted to the needs of the European Union. The novel approach of TRAILS is that its concept is based on an open-loop architecture.
This will enable TRAILS to gather insights into regional and demographic disparities in skills mismatch while improvising upon existing databases.
TRAILS will asses skills needs and gaps and the impact of green and digital changes (known as the twin transition) on the resilience of European households and companies.
This will allow TRAILS to address the skills mismatch and assess factors that mitigate the polarisation and segmentation of the labour market induced by the post-Covid-19 megatrends.
This will improve the coordination of VET providers, employers and other labour market institutions, and enable effective search and matching in the labour market, by harnessing the power of technology and artificial intelligence.
By identifying:
TRAILS will reach by identifying behavioural biases for different groups across countries and by increasing awareness towards upskilling and reskilling through behaviourally-based interventions
TRAILS will reach this objective by taking actions to enhance awareness of data-driven policy actions and to develop an integrated and scientifically robust analytical framework for monitoring skills mismatch
Among its results will be an innovative methodology to measure skills mismatches; an analysis framework of training in the area of artificial intelligence, as well as a selection of best practices for tackling skills shortages and mismatches in Europe.